Friday, January 06, 2006

School has started

School has started for the new year. It's been a bad week for me. My system can't get used to waking up at 5.45am every morning. Everyday, I come home and immediately try to crawl under my blankets to make up for the loss of sleep in the morning!!

I'm on MC today.. Yes yes, it's only the fourth day of school. I've got this terrible cough and I can't teach. Figured it's better to stay home than to spread the germs to everyone.

Anyway, that's NOT the main point. One of my collagues sms-ed me just now and told me that the CCA list is out... and I'm in Red Cross! OMG!! Scouts (my CCA last year) was already bad enough but now they put me in charge of starting a brand new CCA - Red Cross ?!

I can only hope that this colleague of mine is bluffing me.. Wait till I get back to school on Monday to verify the facts!



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