Wednesday, August 03, 2005

what women want..revisited

A few days ago, I met up with a very dear friend of mine. And she seemed to have changed quite alot over the past few weeks since I last saw her. Well, at least in terms of her views regarding finding a partner. She's always been one who didn't long to be in love, or wish to find a partner. However, she informed me --to my great surprise-- that she felt very empty, and that there was something missing in her life. Life for her is just work-home-work, and it just didnt give her any satisfaction...

I've thought about what she said.. and as much as I hate to admit it, I guess it's true. For most of us, we long for some (as much as we vehemently deny it)TLC from a special other half..but unfortunately, often.. we seem to be looking in the wrong places, or looking too hard for it, and end up feeling sad and disappointed that we've been on the wrong track all the while. Yes, so it is said that you shouldnt look too hard for'll spring on you when you least expect it. But sometimes, it's difficult not to. You think you've stumbled on something, so you get your hopes up...yet more often than not, it turns out to be nothing at all.. and it's really not a great feeling..and you'd have thought that after a few similar episodes, you'd have learnt your lesson.. but no. It just happens again and again. And you wonder why you put yourself through it.

you know what, i think it's best to stop trying so hard to search for something that just doesnt exist..why bother in the first place when there's nothing at the end of the tunnel to look forward to??



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