Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Photogenic Contest

I'm going to let Gabriel take part in a baby photogenic contest. It's not a contest per se. The requirement is to just send in a photo and I'll stand a chance to win a free studio photography shot.

Have always been wanting to bring Gab for some professional photography session but its kinda expensive. Hence to increse Gab's chance of realising my dreams, I've shortlisted some photos.

My dear friends out there... please take a vote as to which picture I should send it. Thanks!

Allo, anyone there?

Swimming in the pool

Mikel's Party

Peek a Boo!

Quick! I need to submit the photo by the end of this month!


At 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peek a boo!!

At 9:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am quite undecided between the 3rd and the 4th photo. No theme to the photo contest?


At 11:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

peek a boo..

At 5:29 PM , Blogger j0ce1yn7an said...

the "peek a boo" one is the cutest!

but be prepared to pay if you do win hor
If you look at the terms and conditions, the free photography session usually only gives you limited no of pics free, and most of the time, only hard copy prints

i also won a free studio session when darryl was abt 10mths old by sending in photos for a contest
Then during the session, the photographer happily took near to 100 shots, but we were only entitled to 3 free prints
So unless you've got very strong will power to resist, will end up spending $ to pay for more shots lor
i remembered we paid $100+ for additional pics as well as for the soft copies


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