How appropriate... will play this song for Gab when he is old enough. Hopefully he'll be brainwashed and be an obedient boy... Haha!
小朋友 你是否有很多問號 為什麼
Little children, do you have a lot of questions, why
別人在那看漫畫 我卻在學畫畫 對著鋼琴說話
When other kids are reading manga, I am learning to draw and learning to communicate with the piano
別人在玩遊戲 我卻靠在牆壁背我的ABC
When other kids are playing games, I am leaning on the wall memorizing my ABCs
我說我要一台大大的飛機 我卻得到一台舊舊錄音機
I said that I wanted a large airplane, but I got an old recorder
為什麼 要聽媽媽的話 長大後你就會開始懂得這種話
Why should I listen to mother's words? When you grow up you will understand what I am saying
長大後我開始明白 為什麼我跑的比別人快 飛的比別人高
After I got older I started to realize why I run faster than others and fly further than other people
將來大家看的都是我畫的漫畫 大家唱的都是 我寫的歌
In the future, people will be reading my mangas and all the songs they sing will be written by me
媽媽的辛苦 不讓你看見 溫暖的食譜在她心裡面
Mother's hard work isn't seen by others. She knows the warm recipe by heart
有空就多多握握她的手 把手牽著一起夢遊
When you have time, hold her hand and sleep dream together
聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她
Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her
美麗的白髮 幸福中發芽 天使的魔法 溫暖中慈祥
Beautiful white hair, growing inside happiness. Angel's magic benevolence within (her) gentleness
在你的未來 音樂是你的王牌 拿王牌談個戀愛
In your future, music is your key to success, use it to get into a relationship
唉 我不想把你教壞 還是聽媽媽的話吧 晚點在戀愛吧
Sigh, I don't want to teach you to be a bad kid. Why don't you listen to what your mother says and get in a relationship later
我知道你未來的路 當媽比我更清楚
I know your future path, but your mother knows it even better
You will start imitating friends and write things on your backpack
但我建議你最好寫 媽媽我會用功讀書
But I suggest you better write: Mom I will put in my best effort to learn
用功讀書 怎麼會從我嘴巴說出
I will study hard, how does that come from my mouth?
不想你輸所以要教你 用功讀書
I need to teach you because I don't want you to lose. Study hard
媽媽織給你的毛衣 你要好好收著
The sweater mother gave you, you have to keep it safe
因為母親節到時我要告訴她 我還留著
Because on Mother's Day, I want to tell her, I still have it
對了 我會遇到了周潤發
Oh yea, I will meet Zhou Run Fa*
所以你可以跟同學炫耀 賭神未來是你爸爸
So you can show off to your friends, "The God of Gambling will be your father"
我找不到童年寫的情書 你寫完不要送人
I can't find the childhood love letter. Don't give it away after you write it
Because you will find it on the playground two days later
你會開始喜歡上流行歌 因為張學友開始準備唱吻別
You will start to like pop music because Jacky Cheung is about to sing Kiss Goodbye*
聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她
Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her and protect her
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