Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Aunt Agony

There was a civic lesson (sort of) today and I was telling the pupils about the existence of Aunt Agony. I showed them some letters and got them to write a letter to Aunt Agony with their real life problems.

Of couse there were the usual ones about worrying about examination results, stress, having too much tuition etc. [BTW: a few of them said that there was too much homework and that they had no time for other things... I think I should also write an Aunt Agony column and complain about the amount of marking (everything they have multiplied by 40) I have to clear on a daily basis...]

A few of the slightly different ones included the fear of the dark and ghosts, another sibling being a better one than them, BGR problems (!!), being the subject of comparison by parents etc etc.

It seems so tough being a kid in the 21st century...


At 3:29 PM , Blogger chocfudgesundae said...

Ah well, it is tough for the kids, but, it's up to the parents to manage their expectations of the kids. I'm from the school of thought that upbringing is key to many things....

That sd, I'm sure you'll be an excellent mum and your kid will be in extra good hands. :)


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