Monday, May 09, 2005

What women want... really?

The topic for today's blog came into my mind last night as I was tossing and turning around in bed trying to get some sleep.

Besides diamond, what else do women want? One thing for sure is that women are hard-to-please and extremely hard-to-understand creatures. One minute they would be chirpy and yakking non-stop and the next they'll keep really quiet and sulk through the day.

I've yet to conduct any form of research on this topic but the following are some pointers for the male species out there who want to understand women better.

Women want:
1) respect
With the increasing equality of men and women, we ask for more respect at the work place, at home or anywhere else.

2) love
No doubt about it. Human beings are creatures who want to be loved. Most girls harbour the thought of being swept off their feet by Prince Charming.

3) an outlet to vent our fustrations
We are not perfect. Being the more emotional of the sexes, allow us some space to show our emotions. There is nothing wrong in crying. It makes us feel better thereafter.

Hmm... I guess I'm stuck at this point and I thought I'll have loads to write. Maybe K2 can help out in this. In the meantime, I'll conduct some market research on the female species and update real soon. If anyone of you have something to add on, do drop in some comments.

Gtg to work now.



At 10:43 AM , Blogger Turtle said...

Haha.. Men are usually smart creatures, so I shall just say that men will never understand what women want, and women similarly will never understand why men don't understand them.

Also, I shall refrain from telling you the story of Sir Galahad and the witch, and post it in my blog instead. Go read it in a day or two if you are interested... :P


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