Monday, May 23, 2005

It's been a long time...

It's been a long time since we both blogged. Don't expect anything from the other klutz anytime soon cos that fella is now holidaying in Europe! *envy*

Been rather 'free' these days since the exams are over. The pace in school has definitely slowed down three folds. Even the kids seem more relaxed. What does this say about the stress in schools? Yes, yes... I know it's stressful for the kids but sometimes it just can't be helped! When the kids are stressed, so are the parents and teachers. How I wished things were back to the good old days when everyone barter traded everything. But on the other hand, education does open doors to bigger and wider perspectives. It's such a dilemma.

I'm going for a wedding later. Talking about weddings... I got bombed (by wedding invites) twice in less than a span of 5 minutes yesterday! Plus another 2-3 from the hags later this year. I like attending weddings of close friends (only close friends... otherwise it's just a social obligation) seeing how they progressed from geeky secondary school students (that was when I first known them) to the beautiful bride walking down the ailse. And being those 'san ba' sisters at the gate refusing entry to the bridegroom. Haha. Can't wait for Kala's wedding in July!!



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