Sunday, June 12, 2005

Quote of the Day: Catholicism is NOT Christianity

Had a pretty good evening today..Met some old schoolmates today, and caught up with the latest happenings, the latest "who's getting married" and "who's getting what car/ house".... hmm.. seems that these topics of conversation are getting more common as the years pass, and I slowly creep past the quarter century mark......

Anyway. The evening passed by pretty nicely and peacefully, until somehow, the topic of Protestant Christianity and Catholic Christianity was brought up...

"I do not consider Catholicism as part of Christianity"

Oh boy. That sure was one shocker. I asked the person ("X") who made that comment to explain why that statement was made. The answer given was simple.. "Catholics WORSHIP the virgin Mary".

For a while, I just kept quiet. I was totally flabbergasted that this misconception still floats around. I had to explain to the person that Catholics NEVER did WORSHIP the Virgin Mary. And upon further enquires, it seemed to me like that idea was being propagated (even by the pastor, mind you) in that particular Christian church that X is from.

Sure, there are many things that the Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians do not see eye to eye on... but surely, is there a need to preach this absolutely unfair and utterly rubbish "agenda"?

The disagreements between the Catholic Christians and the Protestant group have existed since Mr Luther decided to break away from the Catholic Church, and these 2 groups have debated over them countless times over the donkey years that've passed...and will definitely continue in the years ahead..

Maybe one day there'll be unity amongst the different Christian groups that preach the good news of God. But as long as there are churches (I am sure there are) that claim that they are the "true faith", and that Catholics (or any other Christian denomination that holds the fundamental belief that God sent his son to save us from sins, and that the Holy Spirit was sent to watch over us and help us in evangelising) are not part of their Christian belief, this unity will never be realised.

That statement (as ridiculous and unfounded as it is) made really disturbed me. And I really wonder to what extent such a "theory" is being preached by pastors (who are supposed to be learned and be capable enough to lead their people) here...



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