Wednesday, April 25, 2007


su·per·cal·i·frag·i·lis·tic·ex·pi·al·i·do·cious / Pronunciation Key [soo-per-kal-uh-fraj-uh-lis-tik-ek-spee-al-i-doh-shuhs]

This is the longest word in English used to describe the most fantastic of feelings or experiences. Made popular by Mary Poppins, this word is actually a nonsensical word... BUT to pronounce this word is a little of a tongue twister. Don't believe?? Try it!

And here's the lyrics to the song!!

Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
My father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me aching nose
The biggest word I ever heard
And this is how it goes:


He travelled all around the world
And everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say
There goes a clever gent
When Dukes and maharajas
Pass the time of day with me
I say me special word and then
They ask me out to tea


So when the cat has got your tongue
There's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word
And then you've got a lot to say
But better use it carefully
Or it may change your life
One night I said it to me girl
And now me girl's me's wife!
She's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Save the Earth

It was Earth Day yesterday. Never really thought much about Earth Day until the many reports this year about how Mother Earth is dying with all the evil deeds Man has been causing unto her. It's worrying me... what if temperatures continue to soar? What if the ice bergs were all melted? What if there is no more petrol to dig up? ~Shudder~

I hate it when people waste the precious and limited resources like its none of their business. I see so many of such people around me... taking new pieces of A4 paper to doddle, print emails. Not switching off their computers when they leave etc etc.

I have been trying to help out lately by getting myself one of those shopping bags to use when I go to the supermarket. Kinda cool but I realized that I am always the only one with that kind of bags. Worst still, the cashier still insists in packing my things into a plastic bag before putting them into the green bag!! Hello??!! What's the point??? I am trying to save the Earth!!

We really need more education in this aspect. Perhaps the authorities should consider having those pictures of what the Earth would look like in 50 years printed on the plastic bags.... just like the disgusting pictures on cigarette packs.

If the soft approach doesn't work, we've got to use the hard approach!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


It's been a long time since I last blogged. I've been LAZY and I have to admit that. Work is sucking me dry... plus my health hasn't been too good lately. Can't wait to plonk on my bed after each work day.

Weekends havn't been too exciting either. I've been hibernating at home, busy marking. Compo exams are about 1 week away, and I've gone tonnes of compositions to mark! That's the only thing I hate marking... Reading whatever the kids write is such a torture, worse yet making it! (but I DO see some improvement compared to what they wrote last year!)