Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Sewing Day

Today is sewing day for my Scouts. Well, not exactly sewing day but I taught them to sew a button during CCA. I thought it was a simple enough task but I was wrong...

First, the boys found it hard to thread the needle. Then, they had to learn how to tie a knot. Next was the problem of poking in the right direction and finally ending everything off with another knot.

The boys didn't enjoy themselves either. They blamed me for torturing them during the entire session.

Oh well, I'd rather think that I'm training the boys to be good husbands and fathers of the future.

Busy, busy! Everyone trying to get the button sewn without any mishaps.

Naveen trying is very best to thread the needle.. then there was this problem of tying the knot. He just can't seem to do it no matter how many times I taught him!!

Where do I start? From the bottom or the top?

My model Scout...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Lost Purse

I found a purse belonging to one of my girls,Rachel in my in-tray today. Rachel is not one whom I would classify as careless, so I decided to find out the circumstances which led to her losing the purse.

Me: When did you lose your purse, Rachel?
Rachel: During recess
Me: Does your purse have legs? How did you lose it?
Rachel: I don't know. I put in under my armpit... (this part almost inaudible)
Me: What?
Rachel: I put in under my armpit...

At this point, I couldn't help it but burst out laughing. I thought only old aunties in the market would put their purses under their armpits. To think that I've got a 8-year-old putting purses under her armpit too!!! OMG!!!

I really tried my best not to laugh too loudly and quickly dismissed her. I think I'm bad... always laughing at the little things my kids do.

Perhaps I should give them a lesson on looking glamorous or something along that line after the exams.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Great Sinner

I ate potato chips today! I'm such a sinner.. But the chips were just too tempting! How could I not eat them when they seem to be saying, "Eat me! Eat me!"

There goes my throat...


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Live for Food VS Food for Life

The Dr told me to abstain from spicy and fried food as well as cold drinks for a few days (she didn't say how many!) due to my throat infection. I think I can just die without eating such food for extended periods. Imagine having to eat noodles soup or porridge everyday! Yucks!


Sunday, August 21, 2005

A time for everything

Came across something I found rather meaningful in the Bible today. Something about it struck a chord in me. There seems to be a message for me in it but I've yet to find out what it is... So while I ponder over it, here's what it is all about.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to uproot,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain,
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
A time to tear and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace.

~ Ecclesiastes 3: 1 - 8 ~


Thursday, August 18, 2005

My new comfy shoes

I wore my new shoes today and it's really comfortable. I hate wearing new shoes cos they usually give me blisters. But its totally a different scenario today! No blisters! It was so comfy ! And the shoe was so light I could fly in it!!! Oh!! My colleagues said it looked nice. Hee hee.

Enough said about my new shows. I'm just so excited about my new purchase that I'm debating with myself if I should buy the other pair I had set my eyes on.

Decisions, decisions!!

(I feel like such a bimbo for posting this up... but I'm really happy with my new shoes.... oops! There I go again... )


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Beautiful Sunday

It's one of the best Sunday I had since a long time. It's a break from my usual routine. Didn't have to go to church today (cos I already did so last night) so I slept in. Then I went for lunch and shopping with K2. Didn't know that there were so many things to buy at Junction 8!! K2 and I both bought a T-shirt and a pair of shoes!! To top it off, my b/f agreed to sponsor the cost of the shoes! Hurray! Should have bought the other pair that I was eyeing as well! Damn!!

The best part of the day was a fulfilling prayer time. (Have to admit that I've been rather slack in my spiritual and prayer life of late). Though the duration of the quiet time was rather short, I could feel that connection with Him. Now I feel recharged and ready to face the world....


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hello Kitty

Here's a box of Hello Kitty candy. It's one of my childhood favourites... little round sweets with lots of sugar! Yummy!! Thanks to DJ for buying it for me.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Syron and his nonsense

Syron showed me his new chop (the little cute chops kids like to chop on papers)today. Following is an abstract of our conversation regarding the little new chop.

Me: "What's that?"
Syron: "My new chop"
Me(Acting blur): "What's it for?"
Syron: "You can use it to chop on books. I give it to you?"
Me: "No thanks. I don't need it."

Then, Syron suddenly started chopping the stamps on his face! 4 chops in all, forehead, chin, and both cheeks! I almost died! What if his parents think he had been mistreated in school? Help! The teacher is innocent!


Whisky and its effect on hair

Hee hee... some of you might have been wondering the corelation between whisky and the hair. Well, its some old wives tale (according to my grandmother and eye-brow plucker) that if you apply some of it onto a bald patch, hair will grow out of it. Might be the essence from the whisky creating some miracles.

So, anyone wants to make a donation to me?


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

National Day

Yes yes, its a day after National Day so the title may not be as apt but heck! It's still National Day to me cos I've got the day off!

Went somewhere cosy to catch the action over the holiday. I don't know why K2 doesn't like the fireworks. I simply love it. It makes me feel like I am in some fairy tale or something. I always look forward to the finale of the parade with much anticipation.

And thanks to K2 and Amelia for the concern over my hair.. Now how about buying some Whisky for me *wink*?? My hair and I would be eternally grateful. Haha.


The parachuters (Red Lions) making their descent to the Padang. I wonder what it is like to be in the air and free falling.


3 chinooks and the state flag. It suddenly feels so proud to be a Singaporean.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Botak no more...

Little miss botak,
with a little bit of luck
Some whisky applied with care
may just show you a little hair.

Midnight driving

It's yet another uneventful National Day gone by...only highlight of the day was watching "Infernal Affairs". Yes yes I know..I'm 3 years behind time. Swaku, as my friend puts it. Anyway, the movie was simply fantastic! Totally blew me away...wow. Think this has got to be THE best Chinese movie I've ever watched in my life (though I must admit I haven't watched that many..haha)
>> K1: Andy Lau looked absolutely yummy in the movie..hahaa...
Am now looking forward to watching the sequels to it..though I've been informed that they ain't great....

Managed to catch the pre-NDP fireworks yesterday..yeah..thanks to my sad life, I managed to catch the display from my office yesterday..hiakk.. sadly. The fireworks display wasn't too impressive..haha...wonder why so many people actually bothered to make and squeeze their way to the Marina area just to catch it...=P.

Well, my sad Monday ended on a pretty interesting note.. i was given a crash course :Midnight driving for dummies...hahaaa...had quite some fun attempting to drive (on the practically empty roads, of course), and I must really thank my friend-cum-crash course instructor for trusting me (and my klutziness)with his car and life..hahaaa... well, it was an experience indeed.. wasn't too difficult.. I should seriously consider learning how to drive ..


Monday, August 08, 2005

Little Miss Botak

I was feeling bored so I decided to go for a hair cut today. (I always have ideas to cut my hair when I am bored or stressed)

The hairdresser said that I seemed to be showing signs of hair thinning! It means that I'm dropping more hair than I should and the hair is not being replaced fast enough. She continued to add that each hair follicle can only regrow hair 20 times and after that it'll just be an empty patch on the scalp. To make matters worse, she showed me an empty patch at the side of my forehead! It didn't look empty to me but the hair seems to grow at a higher level that the rest of the hair growing out from the forehead.

Now I am so sad... what if i lose all my hair in a few years and become Little Miss Botak? =(

I shall make a conscious effort to do all I can to retain my crowning glory. But how do I go about doing it?


of bells, an old friend, and a crappy movie.

Sunday.. I was back in the choir loft again Sunday.. it never fails to surprise me how uplifting singing could be. (yes, and i was joking about the bitching about ppl part in my earlier blog). Although I was only away for a week, it felt like ages since I've sung. It was a great feeling indeed. =). haha..yeah..so we didn't sound too great..and as usual, my contribution was practically negligible???...(oops!), but I felt so much better after the whole thing! We've started on our 2nd song for Christmas>> my favorite "Carol of the Bells"..haha..sorry K1, I know you hate this song, cos your alto part isn't exactly too exciting I must admit..but when you put all the parts together, the piece sounds really good.. there's this sense of mystery about this song..not your typical Christmas carolly song..

Anyway. So that's choir for you. I'm so glad I went on Sunday..it sure helped to make me feel better.=) (maybe HE really does work in His mysterious little ways huh).

Met up with a dear old friend of mine Mr L....haha...yes..I'm writing about YOU, you old uncle..!!!! Poor uncle..cheer up lah ok..there's always light at the end of the long long tunnel RIGHT?..and stop thinking so much!.. only I AM entitled to the title "pessimist"..but anyway. That aside. It was good meeting up with this uncle again.. had a good time yesterday..haha..despite the long march we had to go through just trying to find our way to Millenia Walk *rolls eyes*..uncle, thanks for the advice and scheming ideas you've given me..will attempt to use them..but really. I think you very likely have to wait FOREVER for me to give you THAT model answer..heh..anyway uncle, u have an appointment with ME to union square ok??..haha.. bring your dancing shoes along ..*wink wink*...

Oh yes. The crappy movie. If you havent watched "The Truth about Love" yet..DONT WATCH IT. It's absolute CRAP....the plot was totally predictable and really quite silly..Jennifer Love Hewitt looked terrible in the movie...and the humor got rather lame at times..

Ah well. So much for my Sunday. Was a pretty good day I must say.. And looks like I managed to fulfil 3 out of my 4 pre-assigned "happy" tasks..that's 75%. Not a bad achievment at all...well...let's hope I can keep this up..=)


National Day Celebrations

We had the National Day celebrations in school today. Had to drag myself to school at 6.30am! It was quite a feat for me as I hardly needed to wake up before the sun rose.

The weather wasn't that good this morning. The skies were overcast but the children were still assembled in the parade square. Maybe the organzing committee thought the sky would clear despite the threatening thunder? Anyway, it started to pour all of a sudden at 7.05am. It caused some major drama as the children were running in all directions to take shelter. Some naughty ones took the opportunity to play in the rain. Tsk tsk.

The wet weather programme was BORING! The match-in by my Scouts and Brownies were cancelled and so were the traditonal games for the upper primary. Instead, we sang the nation building songs over the PA system. I could hardly hear a thing!

Thank goodness the concert in the hall saved the day. There were cheers, mass dance, songs and a concert. All in all, the celebrations were not as bad afterall. At least the kids were all hyped up and excited about the parade tomorrow.

I've attached some pictures of my class. Let's see how many familar faces you can recognize.


Pictures of the children doing the mass dance during the concert. They had so much fun dancing even though most of them seemed to have two left feet. No prizes for guessing who the chubby one at the side is. (His name starts with S)

Here's a picture of Russell who aspires to be a pilot when he grows up. He is an intellectual boy who can go on and on about aeroplanes, space and planets. Behind him is Crisann, the most lady-like girl in my class. She often calls me 'mummy' by mistake. Haha..

Who says girls can dance better? The boys are trying their best to keep up to the beat.

Teachers leading by example and enjoying the mass dance. Actually we were all 'sabo-ed' by the organizing committee to do a demo for the children.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

More Sports Day Pictures!

Waiting anxiously for the relay to start. Here's Syron (the chubby one in red) digging his nose! Hahaa...

The young gymnasts attempting an egg roll.

A bird's eye view of the stadium and action.

Having a 'talk' with the naughty ones.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Sports Day

It was Sports Day yesterday. The whole school went to the stadium for some games. Here's my class monitoress with her home-made 'banner'. Our class got 1st prize for one of the relay games!

A portion of the class.

The girls and the boys being cheeky (again) at the back. What more can I say?

The boys being their usual cheeky selves in the school canteen

Friday, August 05, 2005

What happened??!!

Hey hey..

What happened?? No problem can be too big eh... remember, happy thoughts! You are what you think.


happy thoughts, happy me.

An acquaintance of mine once told me that being happy is a choice. And if can choose to be happy, then why still choose to be sad?

And this very wise (yes, first class honors, dean's list) person is right I guess. So I shall stop moping over things that are beyond my control and focus on happy thoughts instead..

hmm..so.here goes..
>> 5 happy things that I can do this weekend:
(1) Watch Charlie and the chocolate factory (yes, and relive my childhood..when i wished i could step into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with its flowing chocolate rivers and candy plants..)
(2) Go screech my heart out at KLunch (cheap and good..hahaha)
(3) Finish Mr Maybe
(4) Go for choir and bitch about ppl i don't like.
(5) ....hmmmm???? i dunno....

Right..it's back to work for now, maybe I'll think of Happy Thing #5 along the way..


Thursday, August 04, 2005

foolish me.

foolish me..fooled again by my own stupidity...what is WRONG with ME??!..*sigh*.. ARGHH.... don't I EVER GET IT?!?!?.. =(

k1..HELP ME!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

what women want..revisited

A few days ago, I met up with a very dear friend of mine. And she seemed to have changed quite alot over the past few weeks since I last saw her. Well, at least in terms of her views regarding finding a partner. She's always been one who didn't long to be in love, or wish to find a partner. However, she informed me --to my great surprise-- that she felt very empty, and that there was something missing in her life. Life for her is just work-home-work, and it just didnt give her any satisfaction...

I've thought about what she said.. and as much as I hate to admit it, I guess it's true. For most of us, we long for some (as much as we vehemently deny it)TLC from a special other half..but unfortunately, often.. we seem to be looking in the wrong places, or looking too hard for it, and end up feeling sad and disappointed that we've been on the wrong track all the while. Yes, so it is said that you shouldnt look too hard for it..it'll spring on you when you least expect it. But sometimes, it's difficult not to. You think you've stumbled on something, so you get your hopes up...yet more often than not, it turns out to be nothing at all.. and it's really not a great feeling..and you'd have thought that after a few similar episodes, you'd have learnt your lesson.. but no. It just happens again and again. And you wonder why you put yourself through it.

you know what, i think it's best to stop trying so hard to search for something that just doesnt exist..why bother in the first place when there's nothing at the end of the tunnel to look forward to??


Picture of Me

This picture is drawn by one of my students. This boy can really draw very well for someone his age... The drawing was published in the Malay newspapers earlier this year.


Nothing to blog about...

As the title suggests, I have really nothing much to blog about. Work (or rather school) has been the same. It's going to be a short week as we're going to have Sports Day on Friday. Will see what pictures I can take to post K?


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

no life

it's 11.23pm on a Tuesday. and i'm still at work!!!! *booohoooo*....this is depressing..it's gonna last another 2 weeks man.. i don't have a life!!..sigh.
