The Reign of the Klutz
Forever and ever...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
A tai tai life...
I SEEMED like a tai tai yesterday... notice the caps for the word 'seemed'. That was only after I became a slave to my darling boy.
Before I went out, he took his own sweet time to finish his milk and burp. I was already running a little late, then he just had to do a poo! So I cleaned him up but he did another projectile pee on me and happily continued pooing on the changing mat (I threw away the dirty diaper already cos I thought he was done!) That was followed by projectile pee round 2. Can you imagine how messy he was by this time? The mat and his clothes, as well as his booties were stained with 'delicious' tao suan. Sigh! By the time I sorted out everything, I was already 30 minutes late!
Anyway, it was a nice break to be having tea with my fellow tai tai-mummies. Imagine 3 mummies, 3 babies in their strollers, an accompanying husband and a preggy mom-to-be in Olio Dome sipping coffee... We got to do this more often girls. I need to keep sane!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Are we done yet?
Went Suntec today in attempt to get myself a Christmas present. Didn't manage to get anything cos there's nothing that I desperately want. Not intending to buy any clothes... I die die want to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes by CNY. If the plan fails, I'll probably have to get myself some large-sized clothes then. I shall keep my fingers crossed.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
I didn't get to fulfill my Christmas wish. The nearest I got to it was a drive along Orchard Road last night. The Husband and I didn't have any programme and were too bored after being at home the whole day. Hence, we decided to drive down to town to soak up some Christmas spirit. We had also wanted to bring Gab to see the Christmas lightings etc.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The formula I worked out to keep Gab asleep at night doesn't work anymore. I've been awake about every 3-4 hours for the past two nights mainly to feed him or comfort him.
He has been fighting this 'sea monster' practically everyday now... wakes up with a startle and cries his lungs out, accompanied with big beads of tears. According to a friend, its because he is getting used to the outside world. But according to The Husband and I, its the 'sea monster' who had been frightening him too much.
Besides that, Gab had been plagued by vomit spells. I think I might have fed him too much at times or not burped him enough. He sometimes regurgitates quite a lot of milk out. Everytime it happens, I would feel so 'heart-pain' and guilty... Sigh sigh.
Now I know, its not so easy being a mother after all.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Left to fend for myself
Such an apt title. Its been 2 days since the confinement lady left. It hasn't been that bad. Gabriel has been rather kind to us and been on his best behaviour. I've worked out that in order to keep my precious sleep at night as intact as possible, I'll have to keep him awake till as late as possible and up his milk intake at his last feed. Somehow it worked for the last 2 nights and I hope it will continue to work. ~Fingers crossed~
Went to my in-laws place yesterday. Felt damn stressed! My MIL seemed to be watching over me like a hawk... like how I shld not carry Gab too much or how I shld apply sesame oil on his belly button when he bathes to avoid water from entering it (?!?!). I guessed she meant well but I'm just going to smile and nod, then one ear in-one ear out. I don't really believe in such old wives tale. Thankfully, The Husband doesn't buy them either or it'll really be nightmare for me!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Almost 1st month
We had Gab's first month celebration today. He's a few days short of being one month old. This month hasn't been particularly bad because I had help from the confinement lady. She's leaving on Wednesday. That's when motherhood will come at me full blown. Thankfully, The Husband is still on school holidays and he'd be able to help out here and there. ~ Phew ~
Saturday, December 15, 2007
All I want for Christmas...
is my 2 front teeth... (not!)!! Hahaa..
Seriously, all I want this Christmas is a day out to Orchard Road alone, to soak up the festive spirit, to spend some moola buying stuff I don't really need and the opportunity to be a real glutton!!
I doubt I'll get this wish granted. At least not this year... The furthest I'll get to venture will probably be Causeway Point... along with The Huaband and Gab in tow acting as my security guards!
Alas, such wishful thinking can only be fulfilled after the coming 20th!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
More pictures
The very shy boy who doesn't want his picture taken.. Haha.. See his big Ah Pek pants? I was being overly KS and bought a pair that was meant for 12-18 month old babies. Looks like it can last me for 1.5 years! What economies of scale!
Another picture of him with monkey faces? I realized all the pictures of him show more or less the same poses. I ought to teach him to have a variety of poses for the camera when he's older!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
It's a year!
Tomorrow's my first wedding anniverary! How time flies. It seemd like it was only yesterday!
Anyway, tomorrow will be quite an unforgettable day for me cos:
1) I'm still under confinement, can't go out to 'celebrate'.
2) Even if I were allowed out, I need to find another man to celebrate it with me (Gabriel?). The husband is somewhere in the jungles serving his reservist.
The husband is sooo going to owe me a big dinner treat when I can eventually go out! Luckily for him, all I want to eat now are cheap stuff like fast food and ice-cream.
It's a game all mothers play
Gabriel has grown to like playing this game with me. I think most, if not all mothers would have played this game at one point or another in their child's life. Here's how you play it:
1) Baby cries
2) Mother picks baby up from cot
3) Mother tries darnest best to soothe baby (check diapers, sing song, comfort Baby etc)
4) Baby screams even louder
5) Mother latches Baby on for comfort feed
6) Baby gets comforted and falls asleep
7) Baby continues to sleep in Mother's arm for next 5-10 minutes
8) Mother puts Baby back in cot
9) Baby opens eye suddenly and repeats Step 1
10) Game ends when either Mother or Baby emerges victory
Oh Gabriel! I don't quite enjoy playing this game with you!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I'm sick! Began with the tonsils again! It's always my tonsils.. maybe I should consider removing it and save me all the pain and agony. Anyway, then came the flu and now the mild fever, accompanied with body aches.
I remember The Husband commenting that I didn't fall sick once duirng my pregnancy. See lah! This kind of things cannot say one... now it all comes back to me with a vengence!
Because of all these, the milk factory has ceased operation temporarily till I recover. My poor son has got to go on formula these few days...