Thursday, January 31, 2008

Confessions of a shopaholic

I've been shopping everyday since Monday and spending money like water. It seems like I buy something at every shopping mall I go to. I've never shopped like that and I comfort myself by thinking that I am making up for lost time. Wait till my credit card bill comes and I'll know how much lost time I've made up for!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Separation anxiety of a tai tai

Gab is off to the babysitter's this week. I think I experienced some mild separation anxiety a few days prior. I kept looking at him and wondered if he would be able to adapt to the new surroundings without me... And of course, I thought about him when he was there.

But the moment I started shopping, thoughts of how Gab was fleed from my mind! What an evil mummy I am.

But I must make up for lost time by shopping to my heart's content this week as I'm a tai tai for a limited period only!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shit & another day out

I've never been more happy to see Gabriel shit than today. You see, Gab's last poo was last Friday and since then, there had been no signs of any bowel movements other than the occasional farts. Haha. Given that he usually poos every 2-3 days, I left the matter aside until yesterday when I realised it was more than his usual number of days. I had almost wanted to bring him to the Dr until Paw gave me the 'secret' recipe. Haha.. 2 servings and the poo came non-stop today. My poor darling however, was pretty exhausted after he 'gek sai-ed' for so long.

Anyway, shit matters aside... the tai tais met up again today. However, the meeting seemed pretty short today as one by one the babies grew cranky and the mummies decided to head home before war broke out at Junction 8.

Kor Kor 1... Zachary Ho!

Kor Kor 2... Mikel Liew (aka Ah Pui)!
He, at 4 mths is as heavy as 8 mth old Kor Kor 1.

And lastly Kor Kor 3... Gabriel Wong!

There are still somemore Kor Kors who couldn't make it today... Kayden (still confined at home) and yet to be born Kor Kor Ernest. Would be fun if LJ had a boy too, to complete this band of brothers.

Monday, January 21, 2008

It's been some time since I last posted something. Here's a whole string of pictures taken during my absence...

Joy and Gabriel... They're about a month and a few days apart... No prizes for guessing who's the older one... Maybe these 2 babies will grow up to be 'qing mei zhu ma'!

Joy giving Gab a kick on his tummy.

Gab giving Joy a punch on her face!

Identity crisis

Looks like Gab isn't entirely sure if he is a boy or girl, prince or princess!

Acting cute

It's a day out at the Botanic Gardens last Saturday. Doesn't he look cute with the little cap? Muahaa!

Acting cute II


Then acting cute...

Then falling asleep!

Daddy Times

Times are bad these days. My parents are too poor to buy me a shirt!

Now they've even pawned my shorts!

Nah! It's just Daddy cleaning up him, getting ready for bed.

Amuzing himself on Daddy's shoulder in church...

Friday, January 18, 2008


I'm finally on facebook! It's a tad too complicated for me though... and I don't really have the time to explore it. Maybe good old Friendster is a better option for me.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

What a wonderful world

If only the world were really so colourful and bright like this play gym, everyone would be much happier =)

Think its best being a baby! No worries! Just eat, sleep and poop!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

To extend or not to extend?

I've got a feeling I'll go back to work once my maternity leave ends. Was thinking of taking some no-pay leave initially but after staying at home for the past 1.5 month, I think I'll reconsider my options...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The necessary evil?

The Husband has succumbed and given Gab the pacificer, much to my displeasure!! Gabriel seems to take quite a liking to it. He was able to drift in and out of sleep with it on his own. The only problem is that he doesn't really know how to suck on it too well. It always falls off and he'll be fussing after that. I must put a stop to it before he gets addicted to this evil thing!