I've never been more happy to see Gabriel shit than today. You see, Gab's last poo was last Friday and since then, there had been no signs of any bowel movements other than the occasional farts. Haha. Given that he usually poos every 2-3 days, I left the matter aside until yesterday when I realised it was more than his usual number of days. I had almost wanted to bring him to the Dr until Paw gave me the 'secret' recipe. Haha.. 2 servings and the poo came non-stop today. My poor darling however, was pretty exhausted after he 'gek sai-ed' for so long.
Anyway, shit matters aside... the tai tais met up again today. However, the meeting seemed pretty short today as one by one the babies grew cranky and the mummies decided to head home before war broke out at Junction 8.

Kor Kor 1... Zachary Ho!

Kor Kor 2... Mikel Liew (aka Ah Pui)!
He, at 4 mths is as heavy as 8 mth old Kor Kor 1.

And lastly Kor Kor 3... Gabriel Wong!
There are still somemore Kor Kors who couldn't make it today... Kayden (still confined at home) and yet to be born Kor Kor Ernest. Would be fun if LJ had a boy too, to complete this band of brothers.