Rope Skipping Competition

It's the North Zone Rope Skipping Competition today. Rope Skipping... yes yes, you've got it right. You must be wondering what's there to compete for rope skipping right? That was my first reaction when I heard about rope skipping as CCA too.
I tell you.. rope skipping is not as simple as you think. The kids can skip (single jumps) about 240 times per minute!! Then there is the double under where you've got to turn the rope twice in one jump. Sounds cheem... And these are just the speed events. There is also the individual event where the kids have got about 3 minutes to show all kinds of skipping stunts, jumping this way and that, and even doing a handstand while skipping! As you can see, I am truely amazed.
It was simply a stressful day. Besides being one of the teachers in charge, I was also the make-up lady and the errand lady. Then I also had to give the kids some prep talk and calm their nerves.
Oh well, as least we managed to make a clean sweep of the prizes.... junior boys and girls, senior boys and girls and overall champion. Victory never tasted so sweet in a long time.