It came and went. Somehow as I got older, this day seems to be of less importance. Back when I was in school, it was celebrated with a big bang. There'll be lots of presents and cards etc.
Yesterday was a quiet affair for me. Nothing spectacular. There was the usual lesson planning, marking to be completed. Then there was housework to be done at the new home. However, I attempted to bake some cookies to 'celebrate' my big day. What a big project it was, considering that the last time I baked was in Sec 2 during Home Economics lesson. I shall not write too much about the cookies. Will post up some cookie pictures the next time.
Perhaps the only highlight of the day was the Beef Kway Tiao dinner at Geylang. It (not the food)was quite an eye opener... The streets seem to have suddenly come alive with so many 'freelancers' walking around soliciting for business. Times must be bad... or there suddenly seemed to be a surge in 'supply'.... The issue of demand and supply again... Econs can be applied to just about anything!
Anyway, I'm older once again. It's beyond this point that I shall not bother to keep track of my age. Happy Nth Birthday!