That's sort of sums up the gist of what my MIL told me last Sunday when I visited.
I was telling her that the reason why Gabriel is taking brown rice is because I didn't know how to cook baby porridge. Haaa. You must be there to see the disapproving look on her face. Tsk tsk. Then she went on about how 'heaty' brown rice is and how it must have attributed to his hard stools recently (It's not that hard actually, it's just harder than what it used to be!)
When it was meal time, I gladly offered my son to her for feeding (thought she might want some bonding time... my mom simply loves to feed messy little man). Then my big mouth said how I hated to feed him cos he ends up being so dirty blah blah. Then again, the look on her face appeared again! Hahaha!
So, it order not to appear like an incompetent mother, I decided to cook baby porridge for Gab today. Tadaaaa!!!

It doesn't look and taste too bad! Most importantly, Gab enjoyed it!!! Now I'm gonna make sure I cook something like that and show it to her the next time I go over to my MIL's.
Disclaimer: My MIL is a nice lady and I get along perfectly fine with her. She's probably too anxious over her grandson more than picking on me =)