Thursday, March 30, 2006

Code of ethics about blogging

I read in the latest Sunday Times about teachers who blog. Some question on how much teachers should reveal about their studnets, work environment, colleagues etc. Somehow reading that article seemed to have caused some fear in me. How much is too much to reveal in a personal blog? What's just enough to me may be too much for someone else. Oh! And there was this thing about posting student's photos too!

I hope I have not breeched any 'code of ethics' in my entries. You know how I like to ramble about some of my kids (most of which are good stuff, right?) I used to write more about Syron and gang last year. Nothing very exciting to highlight about my class this year. Older kids tend to be more boring.

I shall constantly remind myself not to blog too much about the kids from now.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Things I Hate

I hate it when my neighbour blasts her collection of christian music. It's so loud and noisy! Does the volume of the music have any corelation to the spiritual level? Cos if it does, she MUST be super holy.

I hate it when I make an attempt to try to get some people out for dinner, these group of people simply ignore my sms. They either can't be bothered or don't regard me a friend. In that case, I feel it's only polite to reply with an sms to reject my invite and not have me waiting and waiting. And please, don't ever say u are too busy to reply an sms. Replying an sms takes only a few minutes. I think even peeing in the toilet takes a longer time.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


After a 10- week battle with school, I'm finally given a week off! Yay! Well, its not really a week considering that I've got school 2 out of the 5 days. Still better than nothing. Can't grumble too much.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

..oh and one more thing..

How could I forget this most important lesson I've learnt:

Never lose faith in God.


a million light years ago

Wow. K1 has changed the format of the blog since I last blogged (which was eons ago, I think).. I didnt quite recognise it anymore.

Interesting to look back at what my life was like just a few months ago.. a zillion years seems to have passed since then..and it feels like I've sat on a 6-month roller coaster ride ..

Looking back on the months passed, I think there are a few important lessons I've learnt:
(1) Be contented with what you have.
(2) Be happy. Happiness is a choice. Don't choose to be sad when you can be happy. And happiness comes from within.
(3) NEVER EVER lose your focus in life. NEVER EVER lose your self identity. Think that's one of the recipes for real happiness.
(4) Keep smiling.
(5) Don't lose your sense of humour.
(6) Eat well.. who cares if you're putting on that extra calorie? You've got just one life.. LIVE IT! And eat whatever you like!!

Yup. That about sums up some of the important lessons of life I've learnt..
